Batch Processing Large Amounts Of Data

Got a heap of apps and tools I worked myself through, but none made it that far like windows batches, console commands and having a somewhat clear layout of folders, which allow fast renaming and tagging and whatnot. And talking about getting far - it's quite an achievement if an app stays with me for now over six years since I first found it on the web.

Talking 'bout imBatch - that in combination with xnView which also features image batch processing with a bag full of useful functions to manipulate pictures, filenames, metadata and filetype conversion.

Got a bunch of stored batches ready already... pondering where to put them. Maybe here on the server, MEGA, Lougle *grin* or putting them on an open source control platform, so you might give 'em a try. Saves lots of work and gives me the feeling again that a Workstation is still a working station instead of sabotaging as a distraction station any try for focused work.


The environment variable PATH enhanced with the imBatch folder entry eases your work with the console. Taking the hints from below I'd use a script (be it Python or JavaScript), xnView (has a funky way of having lines filled with code along file-metadata) or Construct to generate the filelist and combine it like this:

imbatch -h -b "Resize and Optimize for Web.bsv" -i "pics/pic1.jpg|pics/pigolo.png|wallpaper.jpeg|andsoon.webm" -r -c

Use -h NotSilent if you wish to get notified by a imBatch when the dish with fish is finished

Access the Command Line


Feature 6Are you a content manager or server administrator? Like rolling up your sleeves and working directly within the command prompt environment? ImBatch lets advanced users work directly with the command line to enact whisper-quiet, behind the scenes image edits. This allows you to save time and perform complex operations without interrupting the workflow of others around you.
ImBatch usage:

ImBatch.exe [-h [NotSilent]] [-b "SavedTasksFile.bsv"] [-i "ImageFiles"] [-r] [-c]

Parameter Description
-h Does not show ImBatch's main window. In this mode, if you don't also set -r parameter, ImBatch will not work and automatically terminate after the start. If there is a NotSilent parameter, then an information window will appear in the end of processing.
-b "SavedTasksFile.bsv" Automatically loads tasks from SavedTasksFile.bsv file.
-i "ImageFiles" Automatically loads images, specified in ImageFiles part. ImageFiles must be quoted and separated by "|" character without any spaces.
-r Automatically runs batch image processing.
-c Automatically closes ImBatch on finish.

Also you can write parameters into the text file, where each parameter must be placed on a separate line. Then you must send this file prefixed with @ and enclosed with quotation marks to ImBatch in following form:

ImBatch.exe "@ParamsFileName"

Alrighty, this might give the tool a lots of more depth. Memo to me: I'll have to sleep over this and think of something to test the usefulness of this one.

Also ImBatch supports Unicode symbols, so it can be localized to any language.

And one more thing: ImBatch is absolutely FREE for personal usage!

Yet more to come.

AdvancedRenamer (the Motörhead amongst renaming tools)

FileListCreator (nomen est omen: does as it says and this good)

Laighter (can be accessed by console and is used to generate bump-, gloss- and normalmaps)

xnView (yet sometimes unstable but has a better of all the bad categorizing systems out there)

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