Maintaining a set of online shops we share our knowledge and resources so you can catch your own fish instead being fed a fish day by day.
Offering a variety from merchandise, internet marketing to banners over to web presences, we might have what you need.
May it be a problem with your PC or Mobile we do at least hear you out where others may turn away on the risk of failure. It might be that not everything can be solved but nothing is impossible, right?
Started in November 2004 as an idea that has become a passion. Founding a creative digital arts studio with game development in mind the undertaking took a sidestep on web development to fund the development and learning process.
Grandma brought it up that many elderly people needed help with their mobiles and computers. To my astonishment - as I had not much customer contact as a programmer before - she tought me suoave enough that she funded the basic marketing. That's when it all started. Helping people with their IT problems with a growing expertise.
First success stories were to be told and I was growing more and more bold. Took up the job as PC Doc whilst letting other projects on ice.
Working from the basement until this date this was an exciting and yet frightening moment because I found colleagues and was able to rent an office which shoud act as a base for further operations.
Lead Designer
Programmierer, PC Doc, Inhaber
Lead Developer